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I’m so excited to announce the newest evolution of Jen Soares Photography: the JSP USB drives have arrived! After careful thought and consideration of the evolving technological needs of all of you, dear clients, Mike and I decided to make the switch from CDs to flash drives as a final deliverable for all sessions. We believe this will be a simpler, faster, more convenient way for us to deliver your final photos to you…and a more user-friendly, versatile and, if I’m being completely honestly, super cute little way for you to upload, transfer and interact with your images. For those of you who book me multiple times a year, feel free to start your very own collection. Or, if you’re anti-clutter and into “recycling,” you can give me your drive after every subsequent session and I can load it up for you again and again. (As many of my Mac users who’s computers don’t have disk drives have been doing for the past year or so, anyway!) It’s entirely up to you. I’m just excited to start loading these up with sweet smiles, memories and family moments this year.