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Happy New Year!

christmas-2016-5“Eloise, make Mae smile.” Yeah…this isn’t what I meant. But it’s one of my favorite photos from our wonderful holiday. My doubts about whether we were going to have a repeat performance of our sick and anxious Thanksgiving lingered until the very last minute…but then…a Christmas Miracle! Both girls magically felt better just in time to have a very merry, relaxed, wonderful holiday. The perfect Christmas. Exactly what I had dreamed of. It was Mae’s first Christmas, and the first one celebrated in our new home…it was an important one to me. My heart is still so full, and a very grateful smile hasn’t left my face. I’ll treasure these memories always.

And now, instead of being sad to take down the decorations, I am excited to dive into a new year. 2017 stretches ahead of us, fresh and full of possibilities. I’m looking forward to the plans we have made so far, and am excited to capture more happy, snuggly, special, joyful, sweet memories all year long. Here’s to a year filled with health, happiness, strength, comfort, an abundance of laughter, and plenty of adventures.

Vovo - January 4, 2017 - 7:25 am

It WAS a terrific Christmas! Thanks for letting Vu and I spend that special time with you!

Merry and Bright

merry-for-webWishing you and yours a safe and healthy holiday filled to the brim with laughter and joy.

Theo and Ozzie

theo-and-ozzie-blog-1It’s the perfect pre-Christmas blog post…fun with Theo and Ozzie! These two brothers are just the cutest, and I had the best time hanging out with them and their mommy, Genevieve, the other morning. Theo and Ozzie…best smiles ever. Great job, guys! It was wonderful to see you again, Genevieve! Hope you have a very merry holiday!



lucas-blog-1It’s little Lucas’s first holiday season, and I was so excited when it started snowing during our session. Lucas was a real sport about mugging in the snow, even though I think Elena, Nick, and I were much more enamored with the big, fluffy flakes than he was. Thanks for a great time, you guys, and enjoy this special holiday!
