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Our Day


“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.”

9 years ago today, I didn’t think it was possible to love you more. But I do. Today more than ever. And more and more with each passing year.

Happy Anniversary, Mike!

Apple Picking, Preschool, and Poops

“One of the boys found a poop in the classroom!” cried Eloise excitedly the other day when I asked her about school. Could she tell me what story the teacher read? What songs they sang? The game they played in her first ever gym class? Nope. But there were poops, so that was the highlight of her day. And, sadly, the laugh I got out of her little report was the highlight of my week, too.

Gold Stars 2*The Preschool Report. The best part of my day has become the moment when the school doors open and Ellie and her little friends walk out at the end of the day to greet us. Ellie continues to be very brave, although several drop-offs have been tough. She’s getting the hang of this new schedule…and, I guess, so am I. I love hearing about her day, and the way she reports it (a la the story above) is priceless.

*Apple Holler. Last Fall, when we were doing our best just to breathe through heavy grief and to reconnect as a family of three, we discovered apple picking at Apple Holler. We found great comfort being out in the orchards, seeing Ellie’s joy as she devoured the apples she picked. It had been the first time in a very long time that Mike and I had smiled. We thought it would be a fitting activity once again last weekend. And it was another great time. Although it would have been even better had the weather not been an insufferable 97 degrees. We might have to try again later this Fall when things cool off!

*FALL! Speaking of all things autumn…it’s nearly that time of year again! My favorite. Crisp air, colorful leaves, college football, cozy hoodies and sweaters and boots. Comfort clothes! Come on, 70 degrees…I’m anxiously awaiting your arrival.


Max and Emery take over The Trump

Max-and-Emery-Blog-1What a fun shoot! Cindy and Nate invited me to crash their Labor Day staycation at The Trump Hotel, and we had a blast exploring the property and watching boats and buses from the surrounding bridges. This was the perfect backdrop for these two sweet city kids! Hard to believe that Emery is already 6 months old and Max just turned 3. It was great to catch up with you guys again…thanks for a great time!


Meet Colin

Colin-Blog-1I was so excited to meet the newest member of one of my favorite families last weekend. Baby Colin is so precious! It feels like I was taking his big brother Jacob’s newborn photos a hot second ago. Where does the time go? Congratulations, Katie and Brian! It was wonderful to see you again!


One Year

Today shouldn’t be worse than any other day this year. Although time has thankfully dulled the panic and cushioned the pain, we find ourselves randomly, frequently reliving snippets of the terror we experienced last September 4th. There’s not a day that goes by that we don’t miss you, Hannah.

But today is worse than any other day. Because today, we lost you. The worst day of our lives. Because today, we realize afresh that we are different people because of it, on a different path. Because today, the hole you left in our hearts pulses stronger. Emotions are raw once again.

That’s OK. We don’t want to pretend, ignore, or forget. Today needs to be recognized.

You are an important part of our family, beautiful girl, beloved and missed. That will never change. We will love you forever, Hannah.
